
[FarOut Recordings 2006]

Firstly I must warn you… there is a dark, filthy, nasty world where Seiji has trodden and from where he has discovered the East-Mental Vocal remix that is far too dangerous for you to encounter… better we confine ourselves to the project that is ‘The Album’ as safety is paramount.

You may have read that the album is a fusion between Brasilian and Asian kaleidoscopes - well even that is a little misleading. FarOut produce some great releases, of which this is one, but with a clear Brasilian umbrella covering their catalogue, so that’s where I want you to position yourselves. This is as elegant as you would expect of Joyce; this is as dramatic as you would expect of Grupo Batuque; and this is as gripping as you would expect of Azymuth.

Gabriela Geluda’s songs are full of timbre and warmth on all eleven pieces here, ‘Grito’ is powerful stuff indeed (and perhaps why Seiji has picked up on it and…. lets not go there!). ‘Vega-Lume’ is the band’s most recognisable offering and worthy of its place in 2006 alone, ‘Rejoycing’ is a great bossa splash and ‘Nunca Never’ is quirky and jumpy - a sit up a take note kind of tune.. Great.

So where indeed does Democustico take the listener? For me, who revels in all things Brasilian, it’s a class offering from a great label with ever so subtle touches of tambura, pandeiro, rain sticks, bells and cleaver programming, courtesy of Roc Hunter, providing me with an album that will last and last, and something I am confident you would agree with. For those who need a little more encouraging… listen to ‘Pera’, listen also to ‘Brasil’ and tell me I’m wrong!

Steve Williams is Editor of online jazz magazine UKVibe (