Fink - Biscuits for Breakfast
[Ninja Tune 2006]
Ahhhh, if I were asked to review albums like this every day of every week I would truly be a contented soul. The blues has not be represented this strongly since Ernesto’s ‘A New Blues’ album last year (Exceptional Records). Acoustic bliss with someone who actually knows how to produce his own album – precise imagery and colour make this a zero fatigue treat for the ears and a welcome relief for the speakers who have been missing John Martyn dearly.
Nothing can quite replace the sound of musicians playing instruments in a rather overwhelming electronic world of jazz and soul music. ‘Pretty Little Thing’ opens the proceedings where you will find yourself settling back into the armchair for what becomes a wonderful and refreshing project.
Fink touch all the rite spots with ‘You Gotta Choose’, ‘Biscuits’ and their re-work of ‘All Cried Out’ is a remarkable concept, highlighting a true experience for the listener and clearly identifying their writing skills. The Blues - but not a dead dog in sight! An amazing album.
Steve Williams is Editor of online jazz magazine UKVibe (