HOME Festival (General Photos), Dartington (22 & 23/6/12)

Tagged with: HOME Festival Dartington Photo Gallery World Music Glyn Phillips WorldMusic.co.uk Thomas Brooman Bristol Reggae Orchestra Show of Hands Sir Ali

 This a gallery of general photos from the third HOME Festival at Dartington in Devon that took place from Friday 22nd to Saturday 23rd of June 2012.  This is a mostly acoustic World Music festival that takes place in the beautiful surroundings of Dartingon Hall - a medieval hall and estate that dates back about 600 years in its present form.  

This 'general photos' gallery is a round-up of some of the artists that appeared, as well as some of the audience, the buildings, the grounds or just other interesting shots. 

There are separate photo galleries with greater content for certain individual artists that appeared at the festival as follows:

Ryoko Nuruki: www.worldmusic.co.uk/ryoko_nuruki_home_festival_dartington_22-23612


Romany Diamonds: www.worldmusic.co.uk/romany_diamonds_photos_home_festival_dartington

Charlotte Church: www.worldmusic.co.uk/charlotte_church_home_festival_dartington_236121

The Tashi Lhunpo Monks of Tibet: www.worldmusic.co.uk/tashi_lhunpo_monks_home_festival_22-23612

Jackie Oates: www.worldmusic.co.uk/jackie_oates_home_festival_dartington_23612

Krar Collective: krar_collective_photos_home_festival_dartington

The Dhol Foundation: www.worldmusic.co.uk/the_dhol_foundation_home_festival_dartington_22

Malleticious: www.worldmusic.co.uk/malleticious_home_festival_dartington_23612

All Photos ©Glyn Phillips